Our City Game Impressions

When we came to the office we were surprised: closed door – So that’s the way is starts? First task? – we thought, but after a moment we saw Olga going to our side. Uff… We had a short chat with her and later it started – REALLY; we received the list of tasks and we moved. Welcome Adventure! Firstly we had to find our way to the City Centre. Majority of tasks, although they looked horribly, at the end they turned out to be quite easy. We had so much fun with tasks, that we had forgotten about our fear of getting lost. The most satisfying were tasks  in which we had to poke people. They were called extra tasks; We had to take 5 numbers from random men passing down the street, ask someone about the recipe for the Ukrainian borshch and discovery what Ukrainians think about Poles…and that’s what we did! We got 5 numbers from good-looking Ukrainians (: , recipe for the delicious borshch from older lady and we know what residents of Donetsk think about our nationality.

Volunteers from Poland- Katarzyna, Klaudia and Marta

The beggining of our adventureNice young men who gave us their telephone numbers ;)

We are counting the distance between Lenin statue and Christmas TreeWe got back in time to the period of  The Beatles fever


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